Biorock Polyculture Hatchery Operations
Pacific Aquaculture Cooperatives International Inc. has become a world leader in the global sea cucumber farming industry
Through twelve years of research, exploration, hypothesis, discovery, and field testing; Pacific Aquaculture Cooperatives International Inc. has become a world leader in the global sea cucumber farming industry, developer and on the ground champion of Climate Adaptation Strategies, and is now conducting research and development of a new revolutionary aquaculture technology called "BioRock PolyCulture Hatchery".
From 2004 - 2009, PAC successfully developed the world's largest sea cucumber farms in the Marshall Islands clearly demonstrating a new "Free Range Sea Ranching" technique for large scale sea cucumber farming using entire coral atolls as farms. These required no nets, cages, or pens, and were highly successful.
These methods can realistically provide food security and a reliable source of raw material for the manufacture of bio-pharmaceuticals for global markets while enriching the lives of the island partners who participate in the business.
Biorock Polyculture Hatchery
Deployment of the hatchery pen
Hatchery Structural Frames
Local technicians carrying one of several hatchery frames for deployment
Deployment of Hatchery
Local technicians working collectively to install the biorock polyculture hatchery
Installation of Hatchery
Local technicians completing the installation of the hatchery
Deployment of the Wind Turbine and Solar Systems
Local technicians carrying the wind turbine and solar systems out to the hatchery for installation
Completing the Biorock Polyculture Hatchery Process
Local technicians completing the installation of the wind turbine and solar systems
Other Ongoing Projects
Ontong Java Atoll Farming
Ontong Java Development Company Ltd and PAC International are partners in sea cucumber farming of the world's largest atoll
REad moreBiorock Polyculture Hatchery
Through twelve years of research, exploration, hypothesis, discovery, and field testing; Pacific Aquaculture Cooperatives International Inc. has become a world leader in the global sea cucumber farming industry, developer and on the ground champion of Climate Adaptation Strategies,
REad moreCoral Reef Restoration
We are satisfied with the conclusive evidence supporting BioRock as an effective coral reef restoration technique, and protective measure to strengthen our corals against bleaching.
REad moreSea Cucumber Farming Projects
With the aquaculture industry being slightly less than 10% of the world's seafood trade of reported annual sales of $60.9 billion, the global sea cucumber market is reported at approximately $4.6 billion.
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