Sea Cucumber Projects

Sea Cucumber as a Widely Consumed Food and Nutraceutical
The seafood trade is one of the world's largest and fastest growing internaional commodity industries. Worth more than $60 billion a year, it exceeds the world trade in all grains combined and represents more than twice the combined world trade in all tea, coffee and cocoa. Almost 200 countries supply fish and seafood products to the global marketplace, consisting of more than 800 commercially important species of fish, crustaceans and mollusks, includuing 30 species of shrimp alone. With the aquaculture industry being slightly less than 10% of the world's seafood trade of reported annual sales of $60.9 billion, the global sea cucumber market is reported at approximately $4.6 billion. With cooperative agreements in place and others forthcoming, Pacifc Aquaculture Cooperatives International (PAC) is perfectly poised to becoming the world's largest sea cucumber operation in the industry.

Sea Cucumber Harvest
A fresh harvest of a sea cucumber species

Sea Cucumber
A sea cucumber specimen is caught in its natural surroundings

Sea Cucumber
This is colloquially termed 'prickly fish'. One of several of its kind

Sea Cucumber
Another species often referred as a 'lolly fish'.

Sea Cucumber
This species is sometimes referred to as a 'leapoard fish' because of its appearance

A Display of a Sea Cucumber Species
Discussions being made over the pharmaceutical properties of one species
Other Ongoing Projects

Ontong Java Atoll Farming
Ontong Java Development Company Ltd and PAC International are partners in sea cucumber farming of the world's largest atoll
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Biorock Polyculture Hatchery
Through twelve years of research, exploration, hypothesis, discovery, and field testing; Pacific Aquaculture Cooperatives International Inc. has become a world leader in the global sea cucumber farming industry, developer and on the ground champion of Climate Adaptation Strategies,
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Coral Reef Restoration
We are satisfied with the conclusive evidence supporting BioRock as an effective coral reef restoration technique, and protective measure to strengthen our corals against bleaching.
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Sea Cucumber Farming Projects
With the aquaculture industry being slightly less than 10% of the world's seafood trade of reported annual sales of $60.9 billion, the global sea cucumber market is reported at approximately $4.6 billion.
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